When reading about all the benefits of flaxseed, you have to wonder, does it get any better??? Well, we like to say it does!! We have taken our crushed flax and compared to flax we bought in the store, which we will show you the results below. One thing we noticed from the results is that our crushed flax is higher in the essential nutrition than the store-bought flax. And to add the icing to the cake, we do NOT add any enrichments to our crushed flax!! This means that all our nutrition is 100% NATURAL, and your body KNOWS how to use it!! So some of our nutrition might be the same in the results, but the nutrition in the store bought flax could be man-made nutrition, and our bodies do not know how to use that as well as it does natural nutrition.
If you have been watching your health decline and you want to keep your health where it is at or improve it, our Crushed Flax is for you! It is perfect for people who want to stay in good heath and for people who want to regain their good health. Our Crushed Flax is perfect for EVERYBODY!! Make sure to check out our other crushed products so you can keep as many chemicals out of your body as you can!
Flax is a very high-calorie food! This means flax is an excellent source of numerous health-benefitting nutrients, dietary fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins essential for optimum health.
With the introduction of low carb diets, a lack of dietary fiber has become an issue in America. Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Therefore it passes through the colon, cleaning the colon walls as it passes through. Dietary fiber is the toothbrush for the colon. This process allows for the maximum amount of nutrition to be absorbed from the food by the colon walls.
Crushed Flax -- 4 g dietary fiber per tbsp. -- 17% DV
Milled Flax -- 2.8 g dietary fiber per tbsp. -- 9.3% DV
DV is daily value. So you can see our Crushed Flax has just about doubled the milled flax in dietary fiber.
Proteins, the building blocks of life, are in every human cell. Protein is essential to help your body repair damaged cells and grow new ones. Amino acids can be found in protein, which help the human body maintain good health.
Crushed Flax -- 3 g protein per tbsp
Milled Flax -- 2 g protein per tbsp
Crushed Flax has one gram of protein more per tablespoon than milled flax.
Manganese is extremely important in mental health. We have heard 85% of Americans are on anti-depressants! 85%!! We have had a mental health doctor tell us that they would put a family member on a good source of manganese before putting them on anti-depressants, and they liked their chances on the manganese. By including more manganese in our diets, hopefully we can reduce the use of anti-depressants in America. Manganese also helps control blood sugar levels and regulates glucose metabolism, meaning it's good for Type 2 Diabetics. Manganese also maintains a healthy nervous system, helps with digestion, helps absorb vital vitamins and minerals, and boosts metabolism.
Crushed Flax -- 29.3 ppm
Milled Flax -- 19.9 ppm
ppm -- parts per million. Crushed Flax has about 10 parts more manganese per million.
Iron is important for blood health. The main health benefit of iron is the formation of hemoglobin, which is the primary carrier of oxygen throughout the body and gives the dark red color to blood. Oxygen is required by each body part to function and iron gives those body parts its oxygen. Iron is a vital element of muscle health, required for contracting muscles. Our brains use 20% of the oxygen in our bloodstream, making iron very important in brain health.
Crushed Flax -- 63.2 ppm
Milled Flax -- 51.4 ppm
We read from Dr. Mercola that we should not worry about total carbohydrates, but net carbohydrates.
Total Carbs - Dietary Fiber = Net Carbs
In Crushed Flax we have 5 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of Dietary Fiber. Following the above equation:
5 g carbs - 4 g dietary fiber = 1 g net carb
These numbers are according to one tablespoon of Crushed Flax. So in one tablespoon of Crushed Flax there is one gram of net carbs.
The most frequently asked questions we have are, "How do I used Crushed Flax?" and , "How much Crushed Flax should I eat?" The daily recommended value is to eat 2-4 tablespoons a day of flax. Crushed Flax can be mainly used to eat raw. Just sprinkle the Crushed Flax on whatever you are having for breakfast, lunch, supper, or snack! It's great on top of hot cereal (Crushed Wheat #3), cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, salads, and all kinds of other things. People also like to put Crushed Flax in smoothies, protein balls, granola bars, etc. We have also figured out we can use our Crushed Flax as a binder in baking, replacing vegetable oil and eggs. Place 2 tablespoons of Crushed Flax in 1/4 cup of warm water to replace oil or eggs in recipes! This works because our Crushed Flax has oil in the cells that are released by the use of warm water.
Send us an email if you have any questions about our Crushed Flax! We are always looking for testimonies from people who experience better health from eating Crushed Flax!