Since we do NOT destroy cells in the grain while crushing, we have no need to add anything to our Crushed Grains.
There is 100% natural nutrition in Crushed Grains and NO manmade or synthetic nutrition. Your body knows how to use 100% of natural nutrition!
At His Saving Grains our main goal is to help people get and stay healthy. We have helped many people regain good health, but also have many people eating our products because they do not want their health to deteriorate. We not only feed people, we NOURISH people.
We have a very long shelf life on products, tested up to 3 years! This is due to our patented process and not destroying the cells in grains while crushing them. As long as you keep the grains in sealed containers that will keep bugs and moisture out then you should have no problems with our grains going bad! And believe us, the bugs really, really like these grains as they enjoy foods with no chemicals as well!
Our Crushed Wheat #1 is a 1:1 replacement of processed white flour. So you can use all the recipes you already love and replace the processed white flour with Crushed Wheat #1 to get more health in your food! We also have Crushed Wheat #2 that can be used to replace processed white flour and also makes a good breading. Crushed Wheat #3 makes for delicious and nutritious hot cereals in the morning.
Our Crushed Flax allows you to eat a Super Food that has 100% Natural Nutrition and NO manmade enrichments. Crushed Flax is high in essential minerals, vitamins, and Omega-3's your body needs to stay healthy. Flax is super important for heart health, the circulatory system, and keeping blood pressure down. This is especially true when it has been crushed, diminishing the need for unnecessary chemicals.
People are always asking for recipes with crushed grains so we will put them on this site for all to see!! We will not have many recipes at first but we will update this section as we continue our journey of baking and trying new foods!
665 Watkins Road, Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846, United States
Open today | 07:00 am – 04:00 pm |