We are currently getting our wheat from the North Dakota area! It is a Hard Red Spring Wheat.
Crushed Wheat #1 is a 1:1 replacement of white flour. Crushed Wheat #2 can be used with Crushed Wheat #1 for baking purposes. It makes a great breading for foods like chicken, fish, zucchini, etc!!
Crushed Wheat #2 is also good for starting babies on as a replacement for baby cereal! This is what we have used for all the babies we have had in our family. Just mix the Crushed Wheat #2 with some breast milk, formula, or pureed fruits or veggies and feed to your baby! Now you can feed your babies cereals and not feel guilty about feeding them a sugar rush. They will be eating complex carbohydrates which break down into sugar over time, not all at once. We keep the good nutrition in the wheat so that your baby has plenty of natural nutrition and live wheat germ in their diet as well!!!
Crushed Wheat #3 makes a great cream of wheat. It makes great hot cereals in the morning, just add some honey and fruit for extra taste! Crushed Wheat #3 is very high in dietary fiber!
When you bake with His Saving Grains Crushed Grains then you get the advantages in the picture on the left! No chemicals in your goodies but packed with natural and live nutrition!! Also now you can bake yummy goodies for family and friends that have these health issues and can feel good about helping them eat good food again!
Our ingredient list is: Wheat. It will always be that way since we don't add or take away anything from the wheat. We keep the wheat germ in and alive!
Other companies have to use chemicals and man made nutrition to add back to replace all the nutrition they have taken out.
They can sell wheat germ because they take it out of the flour and sell it separately. We keep the wheat germ in the Crushed Wheat to give you the best natural nutrition.
We had spilled Crushed Wheat #1 on the floor in our shop so we swept it up and threw in on the garden. A couple weeks later we noticed green coming up where we had thrown the wheat. This is a testament to not killing the wheat germ when we are crushing!! All that nutrition goes to you, how gloriously healthy!!
We have decided to compare our Crushed Wheat #1 to what we think is the closest comparison, whole wheat flour. In Crushed Wheat #1 we do not destroy any germ cells, which is the main reason it does not go rancid. After milling whole wheat flour, companies have to remove all the germ cells and nutrients that make their flour go rancid. They also add chemicals and preservatives to keep whole wheat flour from going rancid, which we do NOT do. Another thing we do not do is apply heat to our Crushed Wheat, which kills nutrition in flour of all kinds according to traditional methods. Following is a partial list of what they remove from whole wheat flour and some chemicals created and added throughout the process.
Here is a list of the benefits of Crushed Wheat
Fiber is something we have been missing out on in our diets. Fiber is a carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Therefore it passes right through the colon, but it cleans the outsides of the colon as it goes through. We have heard from people that fiber is the toothbrush for the colon. After the fiber cleans out the colon, new food can then stick to the colon walls. This allows the maximum amount of nutrition to be absorbed from the food. The dietary fiber in our Crushed Wheat is NOT refined or changed in any way! Dietary fiber in flours have been refined and broken down. This means our dietary fiber will do a much better job than dietary fiber you will find anywhere else in flours!!
We have read from Dr. Mercola that we should not be watching how many total carbohydrates we eat, but net carbohydrates.
Net Carbohydrates = Total Carbohydrates - Dietary Fiber
By going on carb free diets we have been losing the dietary fiber in our diets, which means we haven't been getting all the necessary nutrients from our foods!
The numbers below show how much dietary fiber is in flour and each of our wheat products.
Flour - .85 g per 1/4 cup
Crushed Wheat #1 – 1.0 g per 1/4 cup
Crushed Wheat #2 – 6.3 g per 1/4 cup
Crushed Wheat #3 – 21.9 g per 1/4 cup
So you can see that Crushed Wheat #1 has 15% more fiber than flour, its replacement.
RDA (recommended daily allowance) – 0ver 40 years old – Women -25 g fiber Men – 38 g fiber
Women over 40 can just about get the fiber they need for the day off of 1/4 cup of Crushed Wheat #3
Whole Grains are the 2nd best source of Dietary Fiber – Crushed Grains are even better
Here is a list of countries that have banned white flour because of its toxicity: European Union, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria, South Korea, Peru, Australia, United Kingdom, China, India, Sri Lanka.
In Singapore the penalty for using potassium bromate is a $500,000 fine and 15 years in prison.
Check out this great video that compares crushed wheat against white flour.
If anyone has any questions on our Crushed Wheat, don't hesitate to email us for more information! We are always looking for more testimonies from people that couldn't eat flour but can eat our Crushed Wheat!